• শনিবার, ২৭ জুলাই ২০২৪, ১২ শ্রাবণ ১৪৩১
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University of Scholars Hosts Don Sumdany's Insightful Session

প্রকাশ:  ২৮ জানুয়ারি ২০২৪, ১২:১৪
নিজস্ব প্রতিবেদক
University of Scholars Hosts Don Sumdany's Insightful Session

The University of Scholars hosted renowned life corporate trainer Don Sumdany on January 23 for an exclusive event that explored the strategies for future-proofing a career. Packed with insightful knowledge and useful guidance, the workshop resonated with students keen to navigate the constantly changing professional landscape.

But this wasn't just a student affair. Joining the lively discussion were distinguished figures like Md. Ariful Hoque Shuhan, Vice Chairman, Board of Trustees. Abdul Hasib Siddique, CCO & Member Board of Trustees , and H M Atif Wafik, Asst. Professor & Head of Brand and Communication. Also lent their presence, showcasing the University's commitment to holistic development for its students.

সম্পর্কিত খবর

    Organized by the Scholars Influencers Club, the 13th floor auditorium was abuzz with excitement as Don Sumdany hit the stage. The idea that depending solely on degre is your ultimate currency was quickly debunked by him. The passport to career fulfillment is sharpened talents, not certificates that can fade.links and resources for achievement. His powerful words, "Your skills are vital in today's dynamic world," struck an emotional note. Again he mentioned "Connections might get you through the door," Sumdany admitted, "but it's your skills that'll keep you in the room and propel you to the top."

    Sumdany didn't just preach - he painted a vivid picture of the professional field, guiding students through real-world scenarios and challenges. He shared his own experiences, illustrating how focusing on developing relevant skills, not just chasing paper qualifications, paved the way for his own career achievements.

    It wasn't just lectures; students could actively participate and get individualized help via Q&A sessions and interactive conversations. Students left Sumdany's speech with a clear plan for constructing a future-proof career and a revitalized feeling of purpose.

    University of Scholars, by hosting this insightful session, showcased its commitment to equipping its students with the tools and knowledge to thrive in the dynamic world of work. Don Sumdany's visit wasn't just an event; it was a spark, igniting in students a passion for continuous learning and skill development, ensuring they remain competitive and relevant in the face of an ever-changing landscape.

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