• শনিবার, ২৭ জুলাই ২০২৪, ১২ শ্রাবণ ১৪৩১
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Quader: Why is BNP leading mourning processions?

প্রকাশ:  ২৬ আগস্ট ২০২৩, ০৭:৩১
পূর্বপশ্চিম ডেস্ক

Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader on Friday said that the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) is unknowingly leading a mourning procession.

He made this comment at a peace rally organized by the Dhaka South unit of the Awami League in front of the central office at Bangabandhu Avenue.

“The flag of protest should be red and green. Why is BNP leading a black flag procession? Has any of their leaders passed away?” he questioned.

“After failing to wage movements, they brought out a black flag procession, they are mourning their own failure,” Quader remarked.

“BNP claimed their movement was a mass procession. How can it be a mass procession without the participation of commoners?” he asked.

Quader added that Awami League will show BNP what a mass procession is on September 1 and 2. “When Awami League leads a procession, it sweeps the whole city. Millions of youths will participate.”

He said Awami League will lead the processions with the victory flag, not with black flags like the BNP.

Quader said while 70% of the country's people want Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, the BNP leaders are daydreaming of the Awami League government's fall.

"How will the BNP oust the person who is loved by people?" he questioned.

Stating that BNP is spreading panic among people over sanctions and visa policy, the road transport minister said it was the BNP that blocked the roads and halted the entry routes into Dhaka.

“So, should not BNP come under sanctions? Should not they come under US visa policy? We pose that question,” he said.

"We do not think that Bangladesh is safe under a corrupt party like BNP. If the Awami League remains united, our victory in the next general election is certain," he added.

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